Past Lectures, Exhibits, Courses and Retreats


Special Events 
June 2018: “How to Make Paint Demonstration and Hands-on” class at the Trinity House Cafe with the ladies from St John’s Russian Orthodox Church.
Monthly Book Reading Club Feb 17th 2018: (Book: Beauty, Spirit, Matter; Icons in the Modern World by Aiden Hart. 
 Jan 29-2017 “How to make Paint” hands on demonstration at St. Katherine’s Greek Orthodox Church, High School Sunday School, by Colette Kalvesmaki.
Mar 29 2017- Lecture for St Marks Orthodox Church Lenten Retreats: Differences between east and west iconography, by Colette Kalvesmaki.
April 21 2017- Lecture on Iconography; Virginia Theological Seminary: Differences between east and west iconography, by Colette Kalvesmaki.
Aug 8-11 2017- Drawing Icons for the Young in Leesburg with Colette Kalvesmaki
Oct-2017 Student Exhibit in both Drawing and painted courses.
October 27, 2017. Student Exhibition Opening & Reception—A special reception will be held to honor our first student icon exhibit. 
Oct 24-26 2017 Exhibiting at the “American Leadership and Securing the Future of Christians in the Middle East” conference in Washington, DC.
Oct 20 2017-Exhibiting at the “Future with Hope Women’s Conference” in Falls Church VA.,
Nov 4 2017-Exclusive tour behind the exhibit of Dumbarton Oaks by Dr. Gudrun Buehl
Nov-Dec 18th 2017- St Nicholas Raffle for St Nicholas Icon
Dec 2-2017- St Nicholas Arts and Craft Day
 December 2016: Bishop Nicholas’ Story and Craft Celebration!  This is a regular event for children in which we celebrate and share the real St Nicholas of Myra.  We have several crafts all related to the saint for the children to make and take home followed by a story of his life, told by our very own Mr. Wayne Hajos, our senior iconographer.
November 2016: ‘Big Thank You Dinner’ for our volunteers and Donors
 2016: Colette and Wayne held demonstration and lectures at various festivals and Churches this year.
n Washington, DC
Brushed with faith by Catholic News Service  —
Courses and other activities

In 2020 -In addition to regular private lessons, restoration projects and commissions:  February; Lectured at The Sacred Arts Forum in DC.   March held Lenten Icon Retreat at Home studio of Colette Kalvesmaki.  On-going: Designed wall finishes on Church for Saints Constantine and Hellen Monastery Long Island NY. Paused for corona Virus.  Continued work on the restoration of 14 large oil on copper paintings from St James Catholic Church in MD, finishing 3 by March.  Paused until Corona virus emergency is over.

 2019: Intensive Courses: July, Iconography Course on Christ the True Vine; Intensive St Nicholas Course, Nov; Lecture on Icons and Meaning at the Virginia Theological Seminary, Oct; Ongoing design of interior, Venetian plastering of lower nave of church and Installation of icons for Saints Constantine and Hellen Monastery Long Island NY;  Restoration of 14 large oil on copper paintings from St James Catholic Church in MD; Spring Session 2019 Adjunct Professor at Eastern University, teaching Byzantine Icon Drawing.

Sept 1st, 2018   Class 2  Hair of the Saints Drawing Course: Looking at several hair types students learned patterns found in iconography. Students made compositions out of pencils and charcoal.  Taught by Colette Kalvesmaki. 
Aug 4th, 2018.  Class 1 Face of an Icon: Drawing Course which taught basic formulas for setting up the face of an icon using charcoal and colored pencils. Taught by Colette Kalvesmaki.
May 12  2018. Icon Color Class: Instructor Karen Ward.
April 21 2018. A Study on Angel Wings Drawing Course: Instructor Colette Kalvesmaki.  Done with charcoal and, chalks and ink.
March 3, 2018. Icon Drawing II with Karen Ward.  
March 9-10, 2018. Intensive St. Patrick Icon Course. Instructor Colette Kalvesmaki.
March 31, 2018.  Icon Drawing III with Karen Ward.  
February 20-25, 2018. Special Intensive Iconography Course: Theotokos of the sign.  Gilding, done in egg tempera: Instructor Colette Kalvesmaki.
Feb 2018. Icon Drawing I with Karen Ward.
January 26-27, 2018. Beginning Iconography Course in Egg Tempera of an angel face.  Taught by Colette Kalvesmaki.  
January 20, 2018. Intensive Drawing Class I for beginners with Karen Ward.  
NOV 17/18th  2017. Drawing III, Clothing with Karen Ward.
November 11th 2017, 10-1pm: Beginning Gilding with Colette Kalvesmaki
Oct 28th, 2017: Drawing II with Karen Ward.
Sept 30, 2017Icon Drawing Class 2. Taught by Karen Ward.
Sept 23-24 2017: Intensive Iconography Course: The Sinai Christ encaustic Icon of St Katherine’s Monastery, taught by Colette Kalvesmaki.
July 22nd or Aug 5th 2017: Beginning Iconography I Drawing Course with Karen Ward.
May 19, 20, 26, 27 2017: Iconography Course on Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  Instructor: Colette Kalvesmaki
April 22, 29, MAY 6, 13 2017: Icon Drawing II Course. Instructor: Karen Ward
March 11, 2017: Iconography Script Writing Course: Instructor Wayne Hajos
March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017: Beginning Iconography Drawing Course: Instructor Karen Ward
Feb 16-18, 2017: Intensive Iconography Course for Lent: Christ the Bridegroom. Instructor: Colette Kalvesmkai
Jan 14, 2017: Iconography Script Writing Course with Wayne Hajos
October 2016: Beginning Iconography Drawing Classes with Karen Ward
October  2016: Beginning Gilding with Wayne Hajos and Colette Kalvesmaki
October 2016:-Archangel Iconography Course with Wayne Hajos
May 2016: Intensive Course: Dionysius’ Theotokos of Smolensk Icon (ca. 1500): Instructor Colette Kalvesmaki
March 2016: Intensive Course, ‘Leaping for Joy’. Instructor Colette Kalvesmaki
February 2016: Intensive Course: Guardian Angel. Instructor: Wayne Hajos

Feb 2020. Lectured at The Sacred Arts Forum in DC.

First Thursday of the Month Lecture Series 

May 4, 2018. “Persons or Principles: The meaning of the Byzantine icon revisited”, by Alexis Torrance

April 13, 2018. Robin Darling Young, Righteous Kingship in Early Christian Armenia” (professor at Catholic University)

March 2, 2018.  ‘Icons and Imperial Power in Byzantium, by Mark Ivan.

Dec 1st, 2017: The Emotions in Byzantine Art by Dr. Henry Maguire, Emeritus Professor of the History of Art at Johns Hopkins University and Honorary Professor at the University of Birmingham

Nov 3, 2017: Icons in Conversation: How Icons Reveal Deeper Meaning through Architectural Programming, PhD. Candidate Kevin Fritts.
Oct 2017Medieval Byzantine Scrolls of the Office of Holy Communion:Is Form Related to Function?  by Rev. Stefanos Alexopoulos, Ph.D
May 5, 2017: ‘Differences of the sacred Image:East and West’, by Iconographer Colette Kalvesmaki
April 7, 2017:  “The Making and Function of Byzantine Ivories”, by Dr. Gudrun Buehl.
Mar 3, 2017: The Byzantine Experience of the Cappadocian Cave Churches: Light Sources in Tokali Kilise, by Sarah Jenkins.
Feb 3, 2017:  Praying in Gold: Luxury Scrolls of the Office of Holy Communion, by Rev. Stefanos Alexopoulos, Ph.D 
Dec 2016: Dr. Andrea Olsen Lam; Translated Womb: The Changing Visual Language of Mary’s Motherhood in Byzantine Icon
Nov. 2016: Dr. Heather Turnbow: Making the Absent Present: the Roman origins of Christian icon painting
Oct. 2016: Dr. Alfred Kentigern Siewers: Reading Irish Illuminated Manuscripts Iconographically, in Light of the Fathers, presented by Dr. Alfred Kentigern Siewers
April 2016: Dr. Mary Cunningham: Mary the Mother of God and the Natural World:Orthodox Conceptions Sacrament and Creation 
March 2016: Dr. Natalia Teteriatnikov: Pseudo-Dionysius and The Byzantine Church After Iconoclasm
February 2016: Rev. Stefanos Alexopoulos: The Power of the word: Preaching and Its Power Conveyed Through Iconography
December 2015: Dr. Heather Turnbow: Making the Absent Present: the Roman origins of Christian icon painting
November 2015: Dr. John Yiannias: The Word about the Image: Talking about Orthodox Imagery
Visiting Artisans
Introduction to True Fresco Painting by Natural Pigments Hands-on Painting Workshop, April 2016.
Winter Retreat
January-The Orthodox Path to Contemplation Lecture in January 2015 can be heard at visit
Lectures with Catholic University of America art students and Exhibit at The Washington Drawing Center 2014.


CBMA will be keeping a record of our activities to share with all who couldn’t make it!