Intensive Iconography Course March 28, 29 and April 5, 2025

Extreme Humility

This moving and ancient icon, called Extreme Humility, is brought out in the church during the Bridegroom Matins service during Lent.  During this Lent we will prayerfully work on this as our next icon for the Saint Annas Orthodox Church Iconography retreat. 

When: March 28, 29 (Friday 10-4, Saturday 10-6) and April 5 (Saturday 10-4, or whenever we finish).

Where: This course will take place at Saint Anna Orthodox Church ( at 4642 East Old Mountain Road, Louisa, Virginia, in the big house. 

This course will be done in egg tempera on a panel unless you took the gilding class in Feb/March at Many Years Farm-see Courses for more info. All supplies provided.

Cost: $375
($100 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot.  Please pay remainder in check or cash first day of class.)


Pigments, boards, brushes, rulers, pencils, erasers, lights, palettes, wash jars, etc. . .  will be supplied for students to use, but you are welcome to bring whatever supplies you prefer from home. Its suggested you wear clothes to get paint on or an apron. If you have icons you wish to varnish-bring them and we will varnish them while we conduct the class.

Saturday Vespers is open to all after the Saturday classes, right next door.  All are welcome.

$100 deposit:

$350 full payment:

Contact Colette with questions at  We have limited seating, so sign up soon.



Gilding, Stone Carving and Old English Poetry classes; Feb through the summer 2025 at Many Years Farm in Madison Virginia-between Charlottesville and Culpeper!

Things are kind of exciting at our little farm.  We have people approaching us with wonderful ideas on all kinds of classes to present.  We love their ideas!!  We hope this is a place of learning and growing as a community and a place to relax and meet wonderful people and play with our farm animals!  

This list of courses will all be at Many Years Farm, except for the Intensive Iconography, course which will be held at St Anna Orthodox Church in Louisa VA.   

Gilding Course by Colette Kalvesmaki

This class will show how to oil gild an icon. Every day is very important to the next.  The students can bring any icon they want to gild, but we will only gild the halo. The cartoon needs to be transferred to the board before the class.  
When: April 29, 30, and May 1st– 10 am for 1 hour or so except the last class will be about 2 to 3 hours.
Cost: $125 
Students will provide their own gessoed board with drawing completed on board before class. Each student will receive 4 sheets of gold for their icon with class.  We will carefully go through each step and assistance will be there if needed.  Any extra gold will be $4 a sheet.  Please remember to bring a notebook!
If you have any questions contact Colette at  You can call but texting is advised- 240 6761350. To sign up, click below;


Stone Carving with Bethany Lee

Back by popular demand!  Beth takes the student who has never carved stone into the world of the carver.  Come and enjoy the farm, the animals, food and the wonderful students for a day of learning to carve, the old way.

Saturday, April 26th, 9:30 AM-1PM.  Lunch included! 
More information is on the flyer-click below.

Cost $225. Includes the stone and lunch. Take home your work and display! To sign up-click below!


Coming in the summer
A day of Old English poetry with  Dr. Beth Frazier
Nū scylun hergan hefaenrīcaes Uard!

Did you know that this is the first line of the oldest poem… in English? Come learn what it
means and how the English language of Old English devotional poetry has evolved over time. Join us over tea and horderves at our beautiful farm while learning this interesting topic, meeting people and having fun!

 This discussion will be led by a medieval literature scholar Dr. Elizabeth Frazier.
From Old English to Anglo-Norman and Middle English—all the way to the English of
Shakespeare, which is considered modern—our language has changed radically. Together, we
will read the oldest surviving poem in English, Caedmon’s Hymn, a song celebrating Creation.
We will read the original version alongside a modern translation in order to gain some familiarity
with Old English. Then we will turn to The Dream of the Rood, an extremely moving meditation
on the Passion from the point-of-view of the tree that becomes the Cross. We will see how
Anglo-Saxon Christians emphasized Christ’s kingship, presenting a heroic, warrior Christ as
opposed to the more familiar Man of Sorrows. Along the way, participants will learn some key
features of Old English poetry and will examine images of relevant manuscripts to bring the
poems to life. Fans of J.R.R. Tolkien will enjoy encountering texts that helped inspire The Lord
of the Rings.
We’ll finish up with a creative writing exercise of our own.
Students will receive a packet from the Penguin edition of these texts and a notebook.

Date and time to come!  We think in the summer of 2025. Contact Colette if you would like more information. or 240 676 1350 please text.

Elizabeth Frazier served previously as Assistant Professor of English for Franciscan University
of Steubenville’s study-abroad campus in Austria. She currently works for the St. Anselm
Institute for Catholic Thought at the University of Virginia. Beth received her Ph.D. at UVa,
where she studied medieval literature.

Saint Anna, Mother of the Theotokos

Icon for the next Intensive Iconography Course at Saint Annas Orthodox Church

In the long and beautiful tradition of Iconography as a way to deepen ones faith, this course will give the student a taste of this rich practice. Through prayer and traditional technique, using one of the oldest mediums of paint-egg tempera, we will take the student step by step through the making of this icon of Saint Anna and the Theotokos.  You don’t need experience painting as there will be instruction and help if the student needs it. 

Pigments, boards, brushes, rulers, pencils, erasers, lights, palettes, wash jars, etc. . .  will be supplied for students to use, but you are welcome to bring whatever supplies you prefer from home. Its suggested you wear clothes to get paint on or an apron. If you have icons you wish to varnish-bring them and we will varnish them while we conduct the class.

Saturday Vespers is open to all after the Saturday classes, right next door.  All are welcome.

When: This will be a three day class Friday/ Saturday and the following Saturday in Oct  25/6 and Nov. 2. 10-4pm all days. We ask that you bring your own lunch for all days.  

Where: This Course will take place at Saint Anna Orthodox Church ( at 4642 East Old Mountain Road, Louisa, Virginia, in the big house.  No gilding for this class. 

Cost: $375
($100 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot.  Please pay remainder in check or cash first day of class.)

$100 deposit:

$375 full payment:

Contact Colette with questions at  We have limited seating so sign up soon.


Homestead living at Spring Haven Farm Culpeper, Virginia

New at Spring Hill Farm

June 2024

Fresh Rabbit Meat…..our fryers are between 2-3 lbs….born and raised on the farm….$10.00/lb

We make our own tinctures, teas and salves

Plantain Drawing Salve……great for drawing out venom from bug bites, infections, even draws splinters out too.

Goat Milk Soap…..Honey, Goat Milk and Oatmeal…..great for sensitive skin….$6/bar or 3 for $15

Elderberry Tincture….boost the immune system, each 2 oz bottle contains over 950 drops,

Take 10-20 drops per day in flu season.  2 oz goes a long way.  $20

Valerian Tincture….won’t make you drowsy, made with glycerin so it is

Also good for dogs, cats or goats!  Soothing calm to help sleep and calm a racing mind

Also helps with pms and hot flashes.  Human dosage 10-20 drops once or twice a day.

Dogs and cats (dogs have been given it before a show so they

Won’t be distracted by the crowds, but the dogs are still alert

…1 drop per 10 lbs of body weight. 2oz  $20

Get ready for cicada season, bats will eat them all up!!!  

Copperhead snakes love cicadas. Get rid of cicadas so your home is not overrun with snakes

It’s recommended you get several bat houses around your property. Each one of these houses will house 50 bats— the sooner you put them up the sooner the bats will find them and start them.   Place your orders now. Singles house 50 bats. $65 plus $22 shipping. Double $95 plus $22 shipping

Order them now and pick them up on Saturday or have them shipped

Private Lessons

For those who are interested in private lessons, I usually teach 1 hour a week or every other week at my home.  All supplies are included accept the board which is $12 (Students will slowly buy their own supplies).

After a few icons the student will learn to make their own boards and can bring in a piece of 9 x 12” wood tat that time.  All the other supplies I will supply.  Lessons are $40 an hour.

There will be both drawing and painting in the lessons for the first year as well as homework.  Everyone is asked to buy a 11 x 14” mixed medium sketchbook to bring to class and take home.

After the student can paint longer on their own they can have longer lessons, most ask for 2 hour lessons. Usually takes about a year.

I’ll start to offer ‘Open Saturdays’ now and again as I build up more students.  That is where anyone who can paint on their own, but would like to paint for a stretch of time with me there, can come from 11 to 2pm. That is $ 10 an hour.

If you have any questions, please contact me;

Colette Kalvesmaki

Ph: 240 676 1350

Address: VA 22709


Retreat for a day and iconography for mailchimp

Starting in September 2023, Many Years Farm will offer classes/events once a month to bring people together for fellowship and learning. We love sharing our farm with others so people can forget their cares and soak in the beauty around them while they do something enjoyable. Visit with the baby goats, turkeys, and chicks. Sit on one of our many porches, sip tea or wine, and enjoy the evening bonfire

Classes will vary in cost and length but will generally be an afternoon event. 

The first class will be a scenic/still life painting exercise in egg tempera, held on Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023. The class includes all supplies for painting (several brushes, pencils, erasers, pallets and paints–you will borrow my things–I have loads!) and a 9 x 12” board (which will not be borrowed, that’s yours to keep).   I’ll give a short lesson on how to use egg tempera and how to set up your painting, then you are free to paint what you like–cows in the field, a red barn, flowers, chickens scratching, goats jumping, mountains in the distance, and so forth. If you need more instruction, you can paint with me. We will paint for 3 hours, then take a break, have dinner and finally have dessert by the bonfire. The class will start around 2 p.m. and dinner will be around 6 p.m. Bonfire, dessert and drinks follow dinner. Cost $125 per person.

Other classes and events being planned:

  1. The Illuminated letter. Make an illuminated letter out of egg tempera and gold–art from the middle ages to take home and frame. 
  2. A demonstration on how to make paint. We will look at 3 different mediums (that make paint) and some of the surprising natural pigments they are made from. Students will partake in smashing, grinding, mixing- rocks, bugs and clays with oils, eggs and waxes. Great for adults and kids (and Sunday school) I get everyone out of their seats.
  3. High Tea. Bring your grand hat and we’ll have a prize for the greatest hat! 
  4. A sumptuous cooking class; a night of cooking and eating!
  5. How to roast coffee and prepare it (lots of different ways . . .)
  6. How to make mead: a demonstration
  7. Soap making. Will ask each person to bring some supplies.
  8. Cheese making: a demonstration
  9. Bread making: a demonstration

The Saint Nicholas Intensive Iconography course will be early Oct/ Nov.  I’ll send out a flier for that.

Got an idea, or would like to teach a class at our farm? Let me know!

People may want to stay at a nearby bed and breakfast so you won’t need to drive home so late. I will try to reserve a place nearby if we have enough people.

Iconography: Drawing and Painting List of courses taught

Taught by Colette Kalvesmaki

Drawing and Painting Courses located at Many Years Farm!

These courses are meant to give training and understanding along with theological thought to the Holy Icon. They are introductory lessons. To learn iconography takes years to really accomplish. These lessons are only the beginning of this journey. They are far beyond just drawing and painting but a journey into how things are made and why they are made that way. A journey into making true beauty. That takes time and it is a process. I hope you will join me for this rare course.

I will continue to build on aspects of the icon and add more classes to this list as we come close to the years end.

Students will need to bring a sketchbook at least 9 x 12 inches. If you intend to take many of these courses you should get a multipurpose sketchbook which can be ordered on-line or purchased at any art store or Michael’s. Students can use the instructors supply of pencils and erasers.

All classes will be held at Many Years Farm in Madison Virginia

Email Colette at if you have any questions. To save your space pay below at least a day before the class.


Next class: How to draw 3/4 view of the face-more info coming soon!

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.







Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.







Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.







Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.

Classes taught in 2023

Face of an Icon
Saturday, June 3, 2023 and 11 am
Learn to draw the face of an icon.  Students will learn the formula for drawing faces and will be able to draw any icon face after these courses. Starting with the formulaic frontal pose, the class will draw together step by step an angel face. Class will be an hour and costs $25 per person. Teens and up.
A Study of Hair
Saturday June 17, 2023 at 11am 
This study will look at the patterns of hair of the different types of saints.  We will use the same supplies as above.  In this course we will learn designs and patterns of hair.  We will not draw an entire icon, but will teach the different treatments of hair.  Class is one hour. Cost $25. Teens and up.

Hands and Feet
Saturday July 1, 2023 at 11am 
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the hands and feet of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  We will draw up to three positions of each.  This class is 2 hours. Cost $50 per person. Teens and up.

Saturday August 5, 2023 10am to 1pm
This study focuses on the structure and formula of the clothing of the Byzantine icon and its schools of iconography.  Special attention is given to interior light and its patterns and formulas seen repeatedly in the clothing of the icon figure. We will also work with placement of shadow and how this works to emphasis the light and form.  In this course we will draw a full length figure of Christ. This is a 3 hour class. Cost $75 per person.  Teens to adults.
 Angel Wings
Saturday September 2, 2023 at 10 am
This study focuses on the structures and basic formula of angel wings and can be translated into the many types of angels and their wings, such as archangels, seraphim, cherubim and so forth. We will study a pattern and structure of a single wing.  It will take at least an hour. 
Cost: $25 teens to adults.

All about Paint:
Any good artist needs to understand their materials.  This class is a hands-on course to help students understand how the ancients (and even moderners) make paint.  We look at materials for making paint such as bugs, rocks and plants and show how to prepare them for their various binders.  The binder holds the pigment and when mixed -it’s paint!  We will use egg tempera, wax and oil binders and make our own paints. One hour class. $25 per person all ages

How to Work Your Paints and Make a Color Palette: 
In this class students will learn the difference between “wash”, “petit lac,” and “hatching”, as well as saturation, hue and value of paints. Students will also learn the essential brush strokes and build a color palette to be used on their future icon works.  One hour class.  $36–includes cost of board. All ages.  Students will need to bring multipurpose sketchbook to this class.






Places to stay, things to do

Why not make a weekend of it?

Come for a class at Many Years Farm and explore the area after. 

  1. The Market at Grelen in Orange VA: Set on a 1000-acre tree nursery, The Market at Grelen features: A European-Style Home & Garden Shop, Farm-to-Table Cafe, Wedding & Event Venue, Hiking Trails, Pick-Your-Own Farm, and ​Virginia Beer, Cider & Wine.
  2. Antiquing through out the area.
  3. Liberty Mills Farm,
  4. Christmas in Gordonsville VA (Dec 10th)
  5. Chicken Fest in Gordonsville (Oct 1st)
  6. Montpelier
  7. Barboursville Vineyards
  8. Bald Top Brewery
  9. Downtown Orange, Gordonsville, Ruckersville, Charlottesville, etc., . . .
  10. Barbecue Exchange, Gordonsville: (eating)
  11. spa at Inn at Willow Grove
  12. Visit or volunteer at a monastery-Queen of All Skete,10 minutes away from our farm.


Places to Stay

  1. Hill of Content B&B
  2. The Inn at Willow Grove
  3. Air B&B Woodbourne Estate, circa 1810- right by Bald Top Brewery in Madison VA. 10 minutes from our farm. 
  4. Graves Mountain Farm and Lodges, (540) 923 4231-has lots of places to stay.
  5. Bed and Breakfast Network:



About Manesis Vasileios

Manesis Vasileios, Iconographer

Finishing my military service in 1991 I attended private schools and painting workshops. Then I was taught by the painter and hagiographer Iraklis Tsagas. Later we worked together for years in various temples.  For the last 10 years I have been working alone and my works are in the historic monastery of Hosios Loukas, churches and monasteries in  Athens,Viotia, Chalkida and the Greek church in Oslo, Norway.

I am a member of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece and I have taken part in hagiography exhibitions. In 2017, the inter-parliamentary Orthodox assembly in an icon painting competition on “THE RENEWAL OF JESUS” chose me and some other hagiographers to create the new icon.

I follow the Byzantine style faithfully and make the portable icons with the traditional method (wood preparation, egg-white, gold). I also know the technique of polished and wrought gold. After 25 years of experience in the field, I continue to learn the secrets of the art of hagiography.


John B. Hume

John B. Hume, Tilist

Following a 16-year career in construc­tion, John and Lynn Hume founded the Sligo Creek Tile Company of Takoma Park, Maryland, in 1997. The tile company designs and produces original gift and architectural  and religious ceramic products that are distributed through eastern-U.S. retail outlets  such as the Center for Byzantine Material Arts and the internet at