Homestead living at Spring Haven Farm Culpeper, Virginia
New at Spring Hill Farm
June 2024
Fresh Rabbit Meat…..our fryers are between 2-3 lbs….born and raised on the farm….$10.00/lb
We make our own tinctures, teas and salves
Plantain Drawing Salve……great for drawing out venom from bug bites, infections, even draws splinters out too.
Goat Milk Soap…..Honey, Goat Milk and Oatmeal…..great for sensitive skin….$6/bar or 3 for $15
Elderberry Tincture….boost the immune system, each 2 oz bottle contains over 950 drops,
Take 10-20 drops per day in flu season. 2 oz goes a long way. $20
Valerian Tincture….won’t make you drowsy, made with glycerin so it is
Also good for dogs, cats or goats! Soothing calm to help sleep and calm a racing mind
Also helps with pms and hot flashes. Human dosage 10-20 drops once or twice a day.
Dogs and cats (dogs have been given it before a show so they
Won’t be distracted by the crowds, but the dogs are still alert
…1 drop per 10 lbs of body weight. 2oz $20

Get ready for cicada season, bats will eat them all up!!!
Copperhead snakes love cicadas. Get rid of cicadas so your home is not overrun with snakes
It’s recommended you get several bat houses around your property. Each one of these houses will house 50 bats— the sooner you put them up the sooner the bats will find them and start them. Place your orders now. Singles house 50 bats. $65 plus $22 shipping. Double $95 plus $22 shipping
Order them now and pick them up on Saturday or have them shipped